Take Action
If you are on this page, you see your school as your mission field, and you have a desire for your peers to be in a relationship with Jesus Christ! We want to encourage you that God wants to use you as students to reach other students. Your age is your strength, don’t let the desire you have fade because of a lack of confidence. The prophet Jeremiah said he was too young to be used by God, but God said, “Do not say, ‘I am a youth,’ Because everywhere I send you, you shall go, And all that I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of them,
For I am with you.” (Jeremiah 1:7-8).
Schools to Sanctuaries
Schools to Sanctuaries is where you (as students) turn your school’s auditorium into a sanctuary filled with worship and prayer that leads to the activation of students sharing Jesus with their peers.
Schools to Sanctuaries
Do you want to have an event like Unrestricted reoccurring in your school? Schools to Sanctuaries is where you (as students) turn your school’s auditorium into a sanctuary filled with worship and prayer that leads to activation of students sharing Jesus with their peers.
1. If Unrestricted hasn’t already held an event at your school, let us know you’d like us to come by clicking here to fill out a request form.
2. After attending the Unrestricted event at your school, fill out the form below which will get you connected with one of our Unrestricted team members who will contact you directly on how to hold worship gathering in your school
If you choose to hold Schools to Sanctuaries events at your school, Unrestricted will provide you with all the resources (how to book your school, how to fundraise, how to partner with local churches, etc.) and resources you will need to pull the event off, but as students, you will be in charge of making sure the details to the event get done… don’t worry you’re not alone in this!