We are believing for a mass salvation movement to sweep through the public schools as students see their school as their mission field. We believe that there is a generation of students being positioned to be a catalytic key to revival in our day. We are believing at each Unrestricted event students will encounter Jesus that leaves them empowered to fulfill the Great Commission in their schools and realms of influence. 

We pray at each event that students would:

  • Encounter Jesus that leads to a greater revelation to who He is

  • Choose to live a life activated to reveal Jesus to others

We do not want this just to be an event, but we want to see lasting fruit that comes from a event where students have an authentic encounter with Jesus. As a team, we are trying our best to make sure that each student has a practical next step when they leave an Unrestricted event.


Discipleship Outcomes:

  • Students connected with on-campus ministry club

  • Students connected with local youth group

Evangelism Outcomes:

Student Testimonies

  • "After an Unrestricted event, some friends and I did a prayer walk through Ephrata HS in the morning and prayed over teachers and administrators"

  • "At the Twin Valley Unrestricted event I was able to receive and walk in lasting freedom from anxiety and depression"

  • [At an Unrestricted event] "I was hit with the presence of the Holy Spirit and surrendered everything to Him that night!!!"

  • [At an Unrestricted event] "I was able to forgive, because heard the Holy Spirit tell me to."

  • [At an Unrestricted event] "I received healing in my lower back – it hasn’t felt this good in months!!!"

  •  "At the Warwick Unrestricted event I surrendered everything to Jesus and felt His heart and presence in my life."

Ways to Partner with Unrestricted

  • Do you want Unrestricted to add your school to the tour dates? Fill out this form to let us know that you’re interested. An Unrestricted team member will follow up with you.

  • Are you interested in volunteering with Unrestricted? On our HOME page is a request form that you can fill out.

  • Thank you for supporting the ministry of Unrestricted and supporting revival in every school! You can give directly to Unrestricted by clicking here

  • You can support Unrestricted simply by sharing our mission! Give us a follow on our Instagram and share with your friends.

  • Unrestricted has met all requirements needed to qualify for tax exemption from federal taxes under the IRC Section 501 (c)(3).

    If you need need to see verification letter, please contact us.